Monday, December 21, 2015

True Parents' Last Words

*@****True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.
They are:
The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon,
Exposition of the Divine Principle,
Cheon Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture],
The Family Pledge,
Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of Peace],
True Families -- Gateway to Heaven,
Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and
World Scripture.
These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.
You should now set up the Hoon Dok Hae study tradition in your families using the books I have mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven's word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let's create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.
Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in, to infest your lineage, once he encounters the Hoon Dok Hae tradition he will find no room to move.
Sun Myung Moon January 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Analysis of Dr. Mickler's article

(We have been UTSers and friends since 1975.)
I think his intro spins against SC by pushing SC as schismatic. I believe FF peeled off from the founder's teaching.
He initially seems to indicate that SC split because of apocalyptic views rather than from pleading with Mother for years to honor Father's essential Word. Not following the Word, essential for salvation, as Father stated, is the main reason for the split.
He continues, describing some of the SC beliefs in a less than complimentary way, but in the ball park. He wrongly states SC doesn't have contact with the outside world.
He rightly agrees that Father crowned Hyung Jin.
He fails to take into account SC's geometrically increasing numbers, despite it's short life.
He then parallels our schism with other churches. He is a historian, but does not take into account that Father is the Messiah.
Overall, more fair than any UTS presentation so far.
I know Dr. Mickler and Dr. Wilson well. I hope they interview more knowledgable SCers in the future in order to increase their academic credibility. UTS an interfaith seminary could be a bastion of light and reconciliation among our own members.

Young Whi Kim information

From a blog that seeks to avoid attack, but read by my wife who I trust.
A year or so ago YWK gave a talk saying Mother was born with OS. This comforted the older members who were feeling uneasy with the new theology.
Then TMs recent speech contradicted YWKs lecture. People had hoped TM would come around, but she didn't, so YWK stopped coming to all the public events.
Mother is doubling down on no OS for her at birth.

(from previous post...)

Latest developments from Yonemoto blog.
Young Whi Kim recently turned in his resignation. And he did NOT attend the meeting of 150 senior members where mother gave each couple 2 million won.
It's like a bribe or hush money. People felt very uncomfortable.
He was supposed to give a speech at the gathering, but did not show up.
Finally another top elder member realizing things have gone too far and following up with action. Perhaps ancestors are waking up some folks.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Vegas Peace Palace

From Yanemoto blog on Vegas Peace Palace.
It is leasing the facility for outside business. 46 bedrooms, 4 suite room, one bridal suite, a reception room. Parties and bridal parties. All for rent now. Advertising closeness to airport. Of course church can use. Without explanation some one is making money. We all donated to the Peace Palace. What's up? Yanemoto suggests suing for fraud. Why did we donate to build another hotel in Vegas?
It will not be a holy place and who benefits? Donors?
See blog for video in English advertising. Near bottom, looks like Babylon

Angels have great power! Swedenborg

I have seen also hundreds of thousands of evil spirits dispersed by angels and cast down into hell. Numbers are of no avail against them; neither are devices, cunning, or combinations; for they see through them all, and disperse them in a moment. Such power do angels have in the spirit world.

Power of Angles Comes from the Lord

Angels are powerful, but one has to remember the following. Quoted text from Swedenborg's Heaven and its Wonders and Hell.
But it must be understood that the angels have no power whatever from themselves, but that all their power is from the Lord. Whoever of them believes that he has power from himself instantly becomes so weak as not to be able to resist even a single evil spirit.
My wife says Swedenborg says angels speak a totally different language which we learn intuitively because it's the language of love and heart.
These posts on angels are from my wife who is reading Swedenborg. Father said in Vegas that we oldies should prepare for SW.

From new Japanese blogs favoring SC.

Japanese FF is witnessing with tablet computers. A lot of lady members didn't own computers before, but now that they have computers for witnessing, they are accessing SC on the net, and joining.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Another Key FFWPU Leader MIA

Latest developments from Yonemoto blog.
Young Whi Kim recently turned in his resignation. And he did NOT attend the meeting of 150 senior members where mother gave each couple 2 million won.
It's like a bribe or hush money. People felt very uncomfortable.
He was supposed to give a speech at the gathering, but did not show up.
Finally another top elder member realizing things have gone too far and following up with action. Perhaps ancestors are waking up some folks.
(FB post by Mark Alexander)

Why Jesus was dude to his mother.

Dan Stein captured the attention of a minister when he taught the Fall of Man, the three families and the mission of Jesus. He asked one penetrating question. "If Jesus was so patient and so forgiving ~ he forgave the woman at the well without hesitation, then why was he so rude to his mother at the marriage in Cana?" Jesus was so patient and kind except in this instance. Referring to his mother as "Woman" he said, "What does this have to do with me." This was not the wedding Jesus wanted to participate in. He wanted to give the Marriage Blessing to all mankind. The pastors when hearing this have an "Ah, ha" moment of realization.
This is from an ACLC post but it explains the precedent of Hyung Jin having to be vertically strict with his own mother, for the world's sake, her sake, and God's.
It is also a great approach with ministers and others!
(FB post from Mark Alexander)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Dr. Panzer Puts it all Together

Excellent conclusion of Dr. Panzer putting it all together!
To conclude, in order to agree with Tyler's belief that Mother is perfect, incapable of making a providential mistake, and totally united with Father after his passing, we would have to accept that when Father arrived in the spirit world in 2012, he suddenly realized or admitted to himself that
He was wrong about Mother coming from a Satanic lineage.

He was wrong about Mother needing to meet him as the Second Coming of Christ in order to be restored, that in fact she was sinless from birth.He had failed to sufficiently educate members and the world about Mother's position as the sinless Only Begotten Daughter who was the fruit of all Christian and Korean history. 
He was wrong to not educate members about the glorious Han lineage.
He was wrong to insist that the CSG not be changed. That it in fact needed to be "improved" by removing inappropriate strong, critical statements about Mother and church leaders.
Even though he and Mother had anointed and appointed and reappointed Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim as the heir/successor/inheritor/resident body couple of True Parents in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, Father suddenly realized that this couple was not qualified and that the appointment must be revoked or delayed until Mother decided Hyung Jin Nim was obedient to her "innovations."
Father realized that Hyung Jin Nim must be immediately fired from all his positions in Korea.
Three months later Father realized that it was wrong for Hyung Jin Nim to teach about Absolute Sex, that he must stop doing so immediately and must be fired from his position as American church president.

If you want to believe these eight assumptions, then that is your choice. But if you accept them, do you really still believe that Father is the returning Messiah? As for me, I choose to believe the words that Father spoke, when he said,
"The last six millennia have been a history of seeking and re-creating one Adam. Eve cannot be created without Adam. This is why God is creating one man, Adam. This is why you must follow me. The blood and flesh of countless people who came and went on the road of the providence of restoration had to be used as material for this purpose. The resentment of zillions of spirit people must be consolidated here. Then on the day of the advent of the incarnation of Adam, the martyrs who shed their blood and died under extreme persecution will feel their value for the first time.
(29-271, 1970.3.11) CSG 723
(FB post by Mark Alexander)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Swedenborg tells us that heaven has three levels: the heavenly or celestial, the spiritual, and the natural. In keeping with the oddity of space and time in the spiritual world, he will interchangeably describe these three levels as progressing either upward or inward.
It’s common to visualize heaven as being far above us and hell as being far below us. Because it is difficult to think apart from time and space, Swedenborg also speaks in those terms. He teaches that we are surrounded by the world of spirits, with heaven above us and hell below us; those in the “highest” heaven are “closest” to the Lord, while those in the “lowest” hell are described as being farthest away. These spatial terms are useful when we consider that in common speech we say things like, “I feel very close to my cousin, even though she lives very far away.” We know that we are speaking about spiritual affinity, not geographical proximity.
At the top of everything, at the highest point, is the Lord, whom Swedenborg describes as a living sun radiating divine good and truth throughout creation.
Swedenborg, however, does not limit himself to this top-down paradigm. He also describes heaven as being human in form, with individual communities corresponding to the function of the organs in our body. (For more on this, see the page on the Universal Human.) In this view, the Lord is the center of the body, not in the literal sense of being part of its anatomy, but in the more spiritual sense of being at the “core” of the being, sustaining it just as we are sustained by our souls.
Heaven, then, is not so much a place as a collective entity made up of good people who perform an important use, much as we ourselves are made up of individual cells and atoms that are essential to the full functioning of our body. The animating force of heaven, as well as of living creatures on earth, is God’s love and wisdom. God, for Swedenborg, is not a remote being who created the universe and then retired to heaven; on the contrary, God is the very essence of life, love, and wisdom itself, the source and sustenance of all that exists. In brief, God is closer to us than the beating of our heart and the breath of our nostrils. But we only experience this closeness to the extent that we align ourselves with God’s will. This is what opens us to the influx of God’s love and wisdom—also called heaven.
While Swedenborg describes heaven as being a place of inexpressible joy and peace, he also warns that people who are not ready to experience a certain level of heaven will feel uncomfortable, even sick, and will be forced to retreat back down to lower levels until they have been properly prepared. This is even truer of spirits who are bound for hell.
(FB post by Mark Alexander)

Persecution of SC is leading some to consider us more favorably

This is a snapshot of LA. Richard Moore, who is not an SC member asked chairman of LA Board about unusual election procedures. A series of email exchanges widely broadcast.
This is after board fired our SC member, Diana Aiga. They threatened to fire her as church greeter too, until David Rueter threatened a boycott and publicly emailed church wide for neutrality.
The head of the L A board works for H1 as well! Yet they act like they are so orthodox. Although at this point I would prefer them to FF. Although I heard they might fire you if you don't go a certain way.
From Richard.
a response to Naoko FW: Wow extreme bias and prejudice RE: condition of elections RE: Council Nominees
In case you didn't see, Nelson had a lot to say.
And he's brave speaking out.
Vote, no matter what. It starts this Sunday.
How could anyone say you can't vote???
Is there a test of faith now, just to vote?!?
This is the fastest way to divide apart and break up the church our True Parents started, and that we all worked so hard to build up over the years.
I don't think True Parents meant for this to happen.
Richard Moore,

Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 07:14:19 +0000
Subject: Re: Wow extreme bias and prejudice RE: condition of elections RE: Council Nominees
Woah, woah wah wah.
I am always notified when something is Funny (that makes him laughhh hahahah). This Naoko thinks that god's Kingdom is hers?
I know for sure she is Un-principled, as her husband is H1 (Dr Hyun JN) and Kwak'ian, whom TF HAS DIS-CONNECTED
from Family of UC, ie. Naoko has to follow her husband as he is SUBJECT. Shadows, shadows shadows ..
No Shadows (TF said) ..... nothing to hide!!!
This is what I know and I hv something to say of Naoko Hiraki ..... un-sweet voice.
I am following True Father, and he anointed his Heir, and Inheritor 3 times; His Lineage. If its NOT for REAL, why would TF said in video his Words of what he wants all to follow. I am FILIAL, OBEDIENT & have Love for True father and His appointment of His Son; Heir anointed. If TF has appointed someone else, pls let me know by any video of True Father's appointing anyone else besides his 7th son, Hyung JN and held a Cain/Abel Ceremony (HJN & KJN) and his grandson, Shin Joon. This is the TRUTH, by video and his Word on video and on His Decree, on paper signed by TF naming HJN, and NOT Naoko Hiraki, or anyone else.
Naoko has always been dis-courteous, and RUDE as a Kodan Leader!!!
Love & Blessings to all!!
On Wednesday, November 25, 2015 1:04 AM, Richard Moore <> wrote:
Wow Naoko,
You are pretty bold telling me what I am. You have actually labeled me without knowing anything about me.
That's pretty biased!
Especially since I don't even know who you are and we have never ever spoke together, so how do you know who or what I am?
And are you afraid of church members who joined many years ago and worked very hard to build this church?
We should not be seeking to divide our church and fracture it, but to keep it together, embrace everyone, and show to the world that we are the Unification Church, which implies that we even to unify ourselves, not seek to divide ourselves.
You seem to be on the divisive side.
Richard Moore, MRE UTS '84 & '09

Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 23:42:00 -0800
Subject: Re: condition of elections RE: Council Nominees
Hi this is Naoko ,
you are not our church member, you are the sanctuary church member .. right? so you must not say anything to us .. because you are not our church member anymore. if your wife something to say to us , your wife have to send e-mail to us.
2015-11-23 11:45 GMT-08:00 Richard Moore <>:
Dear MacKay Holmes, LACF Council, Chairman, et. al.,
Other bodies conduct elections all the time.
As a member of the national NEA and AFT, and the state CTA and CFT teacher unions, and having been involved as a successfully elected candidate of these associations, and being on the election committee at my local union area, I have had a chance to see how large and complex elections are planned out in order to give everyone time to meet all the deadlines for all the open positions, and an awareness about all the steps and timelines in the election processes for each of the positions being put up for a vote.
If you are going to conduct an election, rather than a selection, then you should post the descriptions and the critical dates:
1) Positions being put up for election
2) terms of office for each position
3) requirements to become a candidate for each position (which you did)
4) range of time that nominations are to be accepted
5) dates, times, and places of speeches or question and answer sessions posed to the candidates
6) range of time that elections will cover
7) and variety of ways that votes will be accepted,
8) posting of results of elections
9) dates successful candidates will be taking office
10) methods and conditions that elected candidates can be removed from office after winning an election
If you are not doing this, then you are keeping everyone in the dark as to the veracity of your elections.
Richard Moore, EIT, MRE, Cell (818) 523-7310
retired Science Teacher,
former CTA State Council Board of Education
former NEA Representative Assembly
former UTLA House of Representative
former UTLA Valley West Area Election Committee
former UTLA Vice Chair Monroe High School

Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 07:12:24 -0800
Subject: Council Nominees
Dear Council Nominees,
The current LAFC Council has resolved, by unanimous vote and support from Pastor Kazakos and District Director Young Tek Yang, that a written application for candidacy will be required from all nominees prior to placement on the ballot. Please review the attached statement. Print out the form, sign and return it to a me or another Council Member by this Friday. We know this is very short notice, so it is acceptable to return the form by electronic means including a scan or photo. Thank you for understanding of this issue, and your interest in serving our community.
If you have a need to contact me verbally, please use my cell phone: (323) xxx-xxxx.
MacKay Holmes
LACF Council, Chairman
(FB post from Mark Alexander)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Sunday! From Los Angeles Sanctuary Church

So many great testimonies, experiences, and deep moments of sharing. Truly God and Father's spirit is there. Thank you to the True Heirs of Heart for unlocking the beautiful potential in all.
(FB post by Mark Alexander)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Changing The Cheon Seong Gyeong Will Bring Heaven’s Curse (by Mark Alexander)

The words of Rev. Moon of the Unification Church, the Cheon Seong Gyeong, nobody can touch this. If you go to Heaven and then you say to Rev. Moon, “This [content] was lacking,” then I would reply, “Oh, okay”, and let it go. That’s why as an exercise I am leaving behind a secret code here and there without anyone’s knowledge. That’s something people don’t know about. (446-105, 2004. 4. 22)
The reason why we are having this time is because [I’m worried that I] might leave behind affirmations that could be criticized after I leave to Spirit World. We have to make it very clear. The word Cheon Seong Gyeong is a very dreadful word. Any person, a third person, regardless of how great they may be, even if they have several Nobel prizes under their belt, nobody can touch [or change] the Cheon Seong Gyeong. That’s why new denominations will not arise. We are preparing for that. You never know maybe I’ll announce part two from Spirit World. (447-83, 2004. 4. 30)
The reason I am teaching about the Cheon Seong Gyeong is for the education of sons and daughters who can go to Heaven, it’s not for me to sell them [this book]. It’s a textbook, text book. Do you understand? “Yes.” Okay, what percentage of you are united here? If someone reads even one syllable incorrectly during Hoon Dok Hae, I correct them. The denomination should not arise in the Unification Chruch because we leave behind this kind of mistake.. (464-280, 2004. 8. 15)
If you’ve read it five times, then don’t criticize it and don’t touch it! Sun Jo Hwang, do you understand?! “Yes.” Just because you are the head of the History Compilation Committee and even if you were to memorize all the records of all the historical events, you still don’t have the authority to modify [the content]. Until I look at it and explain it, then there’s a reason why I’m leaving it the way it is. (477-187, 2004. 11. 26)
I’m saying that you should not touch the Cheon Seong Gyeong with regards to its contents. I’m telling you not to touch it, even if you have to explain the historical context by making a separate book. Because I proclaimed the Cheon Seong Gyeong and because I read it more than 5 times, Spirit World is saying that nobody on earth who has read it less than 5 times can touch it. (479-132, 2004. 12. 3)
Also, I don’t want anyone newly changing [or editing] anything among the things I wrote. They don’t know why the content is the way it is. If they change the content without knowing, then they will be judged by everyone when they go to the other world. They will be charged for it. That’s why nobody should touch it without [my] permission. (493-287, 2005. 4. 26)
You stupid idiots (Korean: ba-bo)! What does a ‘stupid idiot’ mean? We see them and have to deal with them. We have to move beyond that. There’s no other way. It is with that content that I spoke of the Cheon Seong Gyeong or the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong(Peace Messages); they don’t contain any of my personal feelings. That’s why I’m telling you not to mix in any other words into it. If I said ‘shit’ then it’s ‘shit’, if I said ‘fist’ then it should read ‘fist’. I will be the one to untangle that. I will say, ‘they couldn’t change it around carelessly because it’s the most precious thing.’ It is accomplished with these words. It’s very simple. (596-57, 2008. 8. 17, Cheon Jeong Goong)
You tend to summarize the Divine Principle book and you think that if you just know that summary then you don’t have to do anything beyond that. So you talk whatever you want and leave [the main book] thrown away. I don’t like that. I already know. I know how fake it is, and I know how different it is from the original script. I don’t like that. Do not touch things with regards to what I wrote. I know how it smells. Even though you go ahead and publish it and just put it on my table. Even though you may say you received a doctorate and you will receive my signature, I can’t just give it away. I want to make decisions by an appraisal method by deciding (O) or (X). We must distinguish what Heaven requires. I am that kind of person. Had I been ignorant on my sermon volumes, it would have been a big problem. Even if I die, I would become the teacher who left without leaving behind my book. (557-309, 2007. 3. 1)
What does it mean that I’m attending Hoon Dok Hae? It means that I discovered these words, I recorded them, and I edit them. I read this thousands of times, but it took 3 years just to make these Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong(Peace Messages). When explaining the laws established in the constitution, the world can change if you make a mistake in even one word. ... That’s why it was with a life or death determination that True Parents made corrections. In the position of True Parents, we have to uproot all the people in humanity who went to Hell and we have to make a textbook for them. Do you understand? Anything aside from this textbook does not work, regardless of how good it may be. (574-97, 2007. 8. 30)
Okay, the Cheon Seong Gyeong and the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong are the way that you must go. It’s not the path that True Parents have to walk. There’s nothing to remove from this [content]. You have to live with these words. (595-218, 2008. 8. 10, Cheon Jeong Goong)
If I go to Spirit World now, although I am preparing to go to Spirit World right now, the restoration through indemnity on earth is actually finished. I have prepared the Cheon Seong Gyeong [for you] at this final point. I have prepared it all. (567-15, 2007. 6. 25)
Now it is all finished. There is nothing left to touch [change]. I immediately know if someone changes even one syllable [in the text] because I read those textbooks several hundred times. You must memorize it all. ‘Owner of peace, owner of lineage’, Cheon Seong Gyeong, Family Pledge, and the World Scriptures. All the textbooks are included for 12 years of Cheon Il Guk. (During Hoon Dok Hae of ‘North- South Unification seen from the perspective of God’s Providence’ Chapter 3, paragraph 3-6)
(FB post by Mark Alexander)

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Importance of the Word and some of the indemnity to bring it.

(by Mark Alexander)
4.4.4 The Providential Results of the Third World War
Long ago, God intended to conclude His providence of restoration in Adam's family by working through Cain and Abel. Instead, Cain murdered Abel, commencing the sinful history of humanity. God began the dispensation of dividing good and evil to restore the failure in Adam's family on the individual level and developed it through the levels of family, clan, society, people and nation. The time has come when God conducts this dispensation on the world level. God intends to restore through indemnity the entire providence, which was prolonged to the third stage, by winning victory in the three world wars, which belong to the final chapter of providential history.
In the beginning, the first human ancestors lost their connection of heart to God when they fell prey to the tempting words of Satan. Through the internal, spiritual fall and the external, physical fall, they inherited the lineage of Satan. Therefore, the providence of restoration can be completed only after fallen people restore their heart toward God through God's life-giving Word, are saved both spiritually and physically, and inherit God's lineage.[19]
The victories of God's side in the three world wars will fully restore through indemnity all these aspects of the providence of restoration. They will make possible the realization of God's ideal world, for which God has labored with unremitting tears over the centuries of human misery since the Fall.
World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history in absolute terms of total dead.[1] Over 60 million people were killed, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion[2]). The tables below give a detailed country-by-country count of human losses. World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total dead ranging from 50 million to more than 80 million.[3] The higher figure of over 80 million includes deaths from war-related disease and famine. Civilians killed totalled 50 to 55 million, including 19 to 28 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 21 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Some deep, happy testimonies from Los Angeles

(by Mark Alexander) Some deep, happy testimonies from Los Angeles. Hyung Jin supporters group.
We had a nice luncheon meeting today. One sister here witnessed to her sister in NY, who attended the SC Constitution meeting. She was talking to Yeon Ah Nim afterwards and Yeon Ah said let me talk to your LA sister on the cell phone. Needless to say the LA sister was so happy and surprised to receive the call that she is still happy and beaming about it as she recounted to us.
The same sister sent holy wine to her spiritual daughter in another city. That sister had been kind of down. Her brother had died not so long ago. She had done a CP liberation for him, but had a dream in which he was still waiting in line for it. Anyway, after some discussion of Hyung Jin and finding Father's way, the sister agreed to take the holy wine which was mailed to her. Her husband went along even though he understood less. Anyway, after taking the holy wine and understanding the teachings she felt greatly uplifted and closer to her husband. She will liberate her brother through Hyung Jin now as well.
Others testified of improving family relations, better experience at work, great experiences of natural witnessing, deeper understanding, and feeling totally liberated and free as never before.
All our brothers and sisters who are following and trying to live along the vertical line of Father and the True Heirs look so much brighter, happier, more free and more healthy every week. We usually spend about four hours together and have the greatest time, discussing, laughing, sharing, praying. It's so fulfilling in every way and so many big and small questions are answered. It's like when we first joined the church, only better. No one wants to go home and second generation often gladly participates.

by Mark Alexander